
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Let them PLAY!

I loved my childhood because of how much I played. My summers were spent exploring outside, playing pickleball, riding bikes, sleeping on the trampoline, making movies, playing in the sprinkler, building forts, eating popsicles, making up games, and catching grasshoppers. Yes, I still had chores/responsibilities each day, but the majority of my time was spent playing. My mom and dad joined the fun on occasion, and other times they let us kids run free. I remember playing pickleball with my dad and jumping on the trampoline with my mom. The fact that they took the time to play with me meant so, so much. It made me feel special, important, and loved. That quality time together is a gift that can’t be diminished. Now that I am a parent, I want to offer the same gift to my children.