
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Mom Life: It's not about the next bite

The other day my cute 18-month-old daughter wanted a taste of my fudge Popsicle. I smiled and let her have a little bite. She loved it and couldn’t wait for the next bite. I gave her another bite and instantly she was begging for another (even though she still had a huge mouthful of Popsicle pushing out of her chubby cheeks). Rather than enjoying what was in her mouth, her focus was already on the next bite.😊 Of course it made me laugh, but it also made me think for a moment. How often do we, as adults, do the same thing—with our lives? Do we look ahead, without appreciating today? Are we constantly focusing on the “next bite”? Does the “current bite” seem too bland to notice?

It’s common for us as mothers to have the mindset of “I can’t wait until…” or “things will be so much better when…” (I’m guilty of using both those phrases more than I want to admit!). Days (and nights) can be super hard and super long. It’s easy to yearn for something better without noticing the good that is already there. Yes, it is wonderful to set goals and be excited about the future, but in the mean time, we can’t lose sight of the blessings currently surrounding us, here and now. There are opportunities, blessings, and moments to experience, this very day, and ours is the opportunity to recognize, taste, and savor them.

I love this powerful message from Marvin J. Ashton,