
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Family Home Evening Ideas for Young Children

For a recent Relief Society activity, I was asked to give a presentation about family home evening ideas for young children. With that presentation in mind, I created this blog post. 😊

Here are 5 basic steps I follow for family home evening:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

It is Okay to Feel Weak

I’m guessing I am not the only mom who has ever felt weak—weak beyond description. After I had my first baby, I’ll never forget the overwhelming amount of weakness I felt. I wondered what was wrong with me. Why do I feel so incapable? Why am I having such a hard time with this? For years my dream was to be a mom, and I was certain of how beautiful and wonderful it would be. However, “weakness,” was never a part of that dream.

Even now (with 8 years of motherhood under my belt), I have many moments when I feel weak. In fact, it is a very familiar feeling! But guess what I have discovered? IT IS OKAY TO FEEL WEAK. It is okay to feel like I can’t keep up. It is okay to feel exhausted. It is okay to feel stretched thin. Why is it okay? Because it turns me to my Lord, my God. It shows me that I cannot do it alone. It brings me to my knees in prayer. Weakness reminds me just how much I need God’s strength in my life.

So many moments of my motherhood have consisted of tearful pleas for help from Heaven above. I’m sure many of you could say the same. And if we take a moment, to think back on those moments, we remember how desperate and weak we felt. Yet at the same time, we humbly remember how the Lord enabled us, through His loving grace, to be strengthened in our weakness. The weakness itself might not have been removed, but we felt a strength beyond our own.

In Jacob 4:7, Jacob shares an important truth about weakness—a truth that has special significance for mothers. He wrote,