
Monday, July 17, 2017

A Small Tweak that Makes a Huge Difference, Especially for Mothers and Wives

If you are anything like me, as soon as you hear the word “service,” you start to feel like you aren’t doing enough. And almost simultaneously you think of all the reasons why you aren’t able to serve more. I know it’s a sensitive subject for many of us. It is my prayer that this article will create an excitement and desire to serve, rather than any feelings of guilt or despair. I hope it will leave us feeling with the thought, “I can!” instead of, “I can’t.” As mothers and wives, we can find more happiness in the service we give—just by tweaking our hearts.

Tweaking our hearts? Allow me to explain. Motherhood requires so much sacrifice and selflessness—that is a given. Whether we feel like changing a diaper or not, it has to be done. We serve day and night. But sadly, if we only go through the motions of service, we set ourselves up to feel frustrated and bitter—even in the very act of service we render. If Satan can get us to remove our hearts from the service we give, he knows it will rob us of joy that could be ours. He tricks us to serve with our hearts turned inward instead of turned outward.

What if Christ irritably mumbled under his breath while on the cross? What if He still died for us, but His heart was far removed? HIS experience would have cankered His soul. YOU and I would have still enjoyed the blessings of His sacrifice for us, but HE wouldn’t have felt the same (even though He went through the motions). Our children and spouses will be blessed through our daily sacrifices and service, even if our hearts are removed. But WE, the daily givers, will miss out on SO much. Just by turning our hearts outward, a horrible day can be turned into a blessed day; a sour moment can be turned into a sweet one. Going through the motions isn’t enough—our hearts need to be involved. The scriptures teach that we must have clean hands AND a pure heart (Psalms 24:4). 

To be honest, the content in this article was not my idea. For quite awhile I haven’t known what to write about, but that all changed last week. I was cooking dinner and the Holy Ghost enlightened my mind with very specific thoughts. I knew I needed to record the insights immediately. As I recorded, I gained a new understanding that resonated in my soul. I’ve always known the importance of focusing on others instead of myself, but I never realized how much it applied to motherhood and wifehood. The idea of serving with my heart turned outward—as a mother and wife—stirred in my heart. I knew I needed to work on it. In fact, I felt excited and hopeful to apply what I learned. Oh how grateful and humbled I am with the results. Just yesterday, I felt more joy as I made my family dinner. I felt excited to make cookies for my husband and kids. More patience filled my heart while my kids were screaming at each other. I was a better listener. In essence, I was doing all the same things I normally do, but I found more happiness in it. I felt more enabled as a mother and wife. By not focusing on myself as I served, every part of my day was more joyful and fulfilling.

Our former beloved prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley, taught,